future work is comming along
Dark Ninja [OP]
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: England
Posts: 340
[PRJ] [THEME] [Screens added] GTX Sense 2.5 Theme - Continuation of development-
As you all may know already, after the awsome work ElCondor and Kamill put to the theme further development was cancelled. Therefore i'm starting this new thread which will carry on development of GTX and help maintain the theme.
The GTX theme is originally made by ElCondor & Kamill.. Thanks for all their work they originally put in..
There is obviously a lot of work needed and i dont think anyone would be able to handle it on their own. Therefore we have put together a team for the later releases of the GTX theme.
Heres a few screenshots. 1st the GTX theme with a few differences. 2nd is the GTX theme with co0kies home tab.
This is still work in progress so it may differ from the end result.
(yeah i know theres loads of screens Sorry :\ 0.o)