Originally Posted by armus
still having connection issues with this rom but I did get an EV connection yesturday, in a small town outside my big city. Right now it lists me at 1x instead of EV. I'm pretty sure the 1x means its slower than the other. anyone have an idea?
I think this is a verizon issue. at time it shows 1x, but my speed isnt 1x.
Originally Posted by 00tj00
Ok so no matter what MMS FIX cab I install my MMS still wont work.
So Im in the place to manualy configuer my MMS settings... but what are the settings for verizon?
Already answered BUT..
If you've installed one of them cabs, most likely, you screwed up the reg settings as well. It best although a pain to do a hard reset and only IF after checking to see if your phone needs provisioning do you install it. Some others here are noteing its not needed for them. if you need to, use one for your carrier. My roms I dont need to do this as carrier info is cooked in nor install keyboard cab..