Originally Posted by tomdt
I was using BigE's 1/31 which I think is 6.5.5. If this is only a problem with MemMaid, I can copy the registry and then restore. Questions:
1. Have you had the soft button problem with any other software in ICON's ROM?
2. Have you had any other problems with ICON's ROM?
3. Exactly which registry entries did you copy over?
I haven't noticed a similar inability to access menus with other apps that I use. Only MemMaid as far as I can recall.
I had a really good day with icon's ROM today! Battery life was really good and no misbehavior. (Yesterday I had a couple lockups and soft resets, but none today and I can't blame the ROM itself for those. Haven't been able to reproduce or find the cause.)
I'm not sure which exact reg entries I copied over for MemMaid. I actually just exported the whole Dinarsoft Key instead, hoping the proper values would be included. (They were.) I think I exported this using Resco Registry Editor: HKLM/Software/Dinarsoft. Obviously, after installing, setting up, and registering my copy on a 6.5 or 6.1 device. Come to think of it, though, I think I was using more than one Dinarsoft app at the time, and that's probably why I did the whole Dinarsoft key. Can't hurt, I suppose.
Good luck.
(PDA/Phone History (some of the names/models might be off due to my aging memory): Casio BOSS, Sharp Pocket Organizer, Palm IIIe, Handspring Visor Deluxe, Dell Axim X5 Advanced, Dell Axim X3i, Dell X50v, Cingular 8125, Palm 700Wx, Palm 700p, Sprint Mogul, Palm 800w, Sprint Touch Pro, Palm Treo Pro, LG Optimus S (wife's) and HTC EVO 4G)