Originally Posted by syrguy1969
OK...I understand this part and (buisness-wise) understand why carriers would do this.
Hmmmm....OK I think if this is 'locked-down' I may have been thinking of flashing or rooting incorrectly. I thought that was the manufacturer's (Samsung, HTC...) doing and carriers would have some say in the apps/capabilities allowed/pre-loaded. (the capabilities + pre-loaded apps is more what I thought locked-down meant) I also think VZW pretty much learned their lesson about restricting a device's functions with the GPS fiasco a year or so ago.
Thanks for the info, I guess we will just have to wait and see how things look when we get them!!
For instance, Bell's HTC Touch Diamond here in canada has its own GUI. Remember the Text 2016 problem with Diamond phones? Go to the HTC website and they had periodic new ROM's/Fixes for a bunch of different carriers. Bells? No update/fix to be seen. Heck Bell's section on HTC's website is rather slim, telling you to contact Bell Directly.
Bell is terrible when it comes to locking things down. Thats why this community, and the 3rd party roms that go with it, are great.
I think most purchases of new phones here in Canada will go the way of GSM now, nexus one or not. There's no point in buying a CDMA version as it gives providers advantages where GSM gives the advantage to the customer.
I'm not very familiar with U.S. CDMA provider models, but here in Canada, if you bought a CDMA phone from Bell or Telus, that phone is not really yours but there's. You may own it, but you can't take it anywhere else. With GSM its pretty much impossible to do that as your info is contained on the SIM card, not onboard hardware that cant be changed.