Originally Posted by greeced
1. The inability to take the phone to any other network.
OK...I understand this part and (buisness-wise) understand why carriers would do this.
Originally Posted by greeced
2. Locking down features or capabilities on the phone thus making you pay a fee for any additional software you might want on it (Bell here in canada was notorious for not allowing ringtones via USB on older CDMA phones, thus forcing you to buy ringtones from them, or the very least use your Data to download them, in essence costing you money).
3. Maybe locking it down tight so you'd have to crack it in order for any ability of installing 3rd party roms. How hard is it to crack? who knows.
Put simply, locking down a phone allows a cell provider to dictate what goes on your phone and how, not the other way around. Terrible tactics.
This is only an opinion I have of what locked down is and what I've experienced. Doesn't mean that is what it means or what they were planning for it.
Hmmmm....OK I think if this is 'locked-down' I may have been thinking of flashing or rooting incorrectly. I thought that was the manufacturer's (Samsung, HTC...) doing and carriers would have some say in the apps/capabilities allowed/pre-loaded. (the capabilities + pre-loaded apps is more what I thought locked-down meant) I also think VZW pretty much learned their lesson about restricting a device's functions with the GPS fiasco a year or so ago.
Thanks for the info, I guess we will just have to wait and see how things look when we get them!!