Originally Posted by nismo95tt
With an older version I used to install, this used to be the case (backspace to see contacts when creating a new message)...but running this version on MR 20100323, that issue is long gone!
Swype with HTC style skin (thanks to Baly23 @ XDA)
Edit: BTW- been using this as my primary SIP for about a week- no issues so far...miss the HTC-Style arrow keys on the main page of the KB though
EDIT#2: Per XDA Thread: ATTENTION! Remove the password from your phone before installing the cabs, or it will lock your phone and you [will have to] hard reset =(
Not calling you a liar, but I installed this cab and the problem remains. Like the skin though. The only way to get around the problem is to backspace or select a new SIP. You got my hopes up!!