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Old 04-26-2010, 11:04 PM
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Re: Cases- a warning.

Best bet- just don't buy any cases from other countries. The ones I bought that don't fit came from Hong Kong, while the one that DID fit came from California. Asking questions is all but pointless- I've emailed 3 or 4 sellers & only got a reply from one of them. I guess it's common practice in Hong Kong to ignore potential customers

I just got an email from the seller about refunding them. They're claiming they specified in the description that they were only for the unbranded HD2, which is an outright lie cause NOWHERE on the description did it say anything about which version it would fit. Believe me, I looked. Either way they're gonna give me my money back, so whatevs.
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Last edited by kabuk1; 04-26-2010 at 11:07 PM.
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