Originally Posted by nombar
maybe this has been answered didnt have time to read all 40 pages but the last version i flashed was the full version 4. and getting ready to flash 8.1 but the only problem ive had with every version has been after my phone has been on for awhile even just half a day with moderate use if i have like sms open or just one other thing open and i get a call come in it pretty much will lock the phone up. it takes about 2 rings before it switches from the sms screen and sometimes even the homescreen to the incoming call and if i hit the talk hard key or slide to answer it doesnt it just sits and spins until it goes to voicemail. has this been fixed in 8.1? and did anyone else have this problem?
I think one of the users here found a fix and I did implement it in my ROM. Flash and see if it works. I did use slide2anser and it was just fine. But do let me know if it works if u flash.