Originally Posted by elnene20
So thats what I heard!! I called a Verizon store because my brother would like to own the Almighty TP2 and get rid of his BBstorm. When I spoke to the store owner there he said they do not carry the phone anymore because its discontinued....Really?? But he could order it for me and have it with in a few days. He said he will not be carrying anymore WM devices due to no support and was talking about how Microsoft blames HTC and Vise Versa for there lack of support. He said if my brother wants to get a phone he is better off going Android. He also mentioned how VZ will be getting the Iphone for next year! Intersting none the less, But back on topic!
So it kinda makes sense about no more WinMo seeing as how Crapy 6.5 is for Sprint and how long. I mean How LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG it takes them to come out with a decent rom, and when we get it its no where near our expectations!! IMO....and then I get on here and the first thing I see is how Android is on track to surpass apple app store!! So if you ask me Android is on fire, and I think WinMo feels the heat!!
Plus if you look at all the devices coming out in the near future there all running Android....dont quote me on that.....
you might be right. Android is the next up and coming thing. And sprint's 6.5 software is crappy, but that is only because Microsoft wouldnt let anything other than 6.5.1 be released for the phone. If you have the right connections, you can also get a baller rom for your phone that will sort all your needs.
But as a Tech rep at sprint, i can honestly count on my left hand how many Touch Pro 2's have come back for repairs, and so far my tally sheet from the beginning of the year i am at 1,693 android devices that are coming back in need of hard resets because someone downloaded some software and now their phone force closes all the time.
WIndows mobile may be being phased out, but there is always going to be roms cooked up that will tickle your fancy. heck the android is even being ported to windows mobile so you can have the best of both worlds!
WM 6.5 may be being phased, but the heartbeat of the windows mobile community is like a heard of elk.