Originally Posted by gilbenl
yes.... how long do you let it sit before it reaches that level??? im soft reset my phone every morning when i wake up. is it a matter of hours? or does the leak pop right up?
It's completely random as far as I can tell. That being said, I goes from ~50 at startup, and seems to run at about 78% throughout the day, until it inevitably creeps up to 80-81. This all occurs in the course of 12 hours. That being said, it still runs quite quickly.
Nevertheless, I tweaked my gf's TP2 with an NRG sense 2.1 rom and I gotta say her's is MUCH faster. She averages about >60%, and her battery lasts at least 2 days. As I said, I run at 78% and after unplugging it at 9 am, I'm down to 53% battery (its about 5:15p). Now, I have done all of the typical power-saving due diligence (checked it twice actually). While I know Sense 2.5 is much more memory/battery intensive, it still seems like some useless wheels are spinning somewhere...