Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by OR78
Originally Posted by jshaas2
GWES over 6mb??? what??? to be at 72% your GWES has to be higher than 6mb..i would think. Even at boot without any cabs, mine is over 6mb. Mine is currently at 19mb and has stayed there and i've hovered around 70-72% for two days.
Been running mine allllll day with a shit ton of emails and calls and texts...as well as some internet use and GWES is hovering at around 40770kb right now. Things are still smoothe for the most part. It has lagged a bit but not to the point where it is bothersome. Running at about 72% currently.
Mike, reservation for one for some more testing. 
40mb gwes?? wow...now thats on the high side. So we got someone that has a 6mb gwes and someone at 40mb? wow