Originally Posted by rhyme187
hey ziggy on mightys new SE Rom did he bring the folders back or is it still the stock look?
Yes to both.....now how's that for an answer? I'll explain later, just can't right now.
Originally Posted by yvettejudd
Siggghhhhh....... I have to go to work at 4:45p today - Praying I don't miss anything!! Hmmm, no praying smiley.... closest thing I could find... lol ........ Naaah, not really, but what a strange smiley this is!! 
I'll email you if anything happens.
Originally Posted by lazyboy0172
you fools and your work... priorities people! this is MIGHTY ROM we're talking about
I can multi-task, so I do both at the same time.
Originally Posted by yvettejudd
I just know Murphy's Law is going to rear its ugly head and all will go down during the 5 hours I will be unavailable to really do anything this evening while at work - Damn Home Depot and their stupid rule about no cell phones on the floor!! Damn them!! Now, I DO keep my phone on me, but it's hard to sneak sometimes!! lol 
We would never try to piss you off.......ok, maybe we would, but it all depends on the punishment.
Originally Posted by yvettejudd
Hey guys - just heads up - if I disappear for a little while off here, it's because my husband has grounded me off the computer for a little while due to my obsessive tendency in participating this forum.......... ugggghhhhh..............
You'll have to punish him then.
Originally Posted by yvettejudd
Anyone from Texas is NOT innocent.... ha ha ha
I've met one that was, sorry, it wasn't you. lol
Originally Posted by rhyme187
Paging Dr. Mike.....Come in Dr. Mike.....lol
Mike is away right now, but if you leave your name, number and a brief message, he'll get back to you.
Alright, that's not my record on multi-quotes, but I felt like having some fun.