Originally Posted by artlexvi
hehehe, what i meant was the LOCK program itself, my start-up GWES was 15+++kb, then, when i try to lock my pda and unlock again, check the GWES, it boost up to 24+++kb added some 9+kb. hehehe, try it dude, this kinda weird coz i thought at first is the program lockdevice and add-on dusk slider was the culprit, but within deeper test, i discovered that it was the lock program of the WINMO. can someone confirm this or it just me : ).
sorry, too lazy to type all the numbers of kb's hehehe, it was meant to be MB.
Since gwes is the cache for graphics, that's about right. Haven't really looked that closely at mine, but with co0kies HT and a few other things, I sit right around 25MB, and once I got to 26MB, but never more than that.