Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1; en-us; XDANDROID Build/ERD72) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)
Okay, so I still use my TP2 since September (when it first came out on Verizon). I always swore that I would keep a hardware keyboard (The TP2 spoiled me). Recently, my bro got the HD2, and I almost switched, except I don't want T-Mobile. So I was considering getting the Incredible and pre-ordering. I put the Android OS on my TP2 (I believe it is v2.01. My bro has the Moto Droid, and he has v2.1, and he says it has small differences). Well, it's a nice and smooth OS. The Facebook app is awesome (WM FB app SUCKS!!!). A few other features are very nice (multi-tasking seems to be smooth). I recommend everyone "board" (LOL) with WM, to definitely try this. It's stable and smooth enough. Just no Bluetooth, Camera, MMS, GPS. No biggie for testing.
So, I'm noticing, Android seems like an App OS. Reminds me of an iPhone. There really isn't anything to it - at all. Just apps apps apps. That's one thing I like about WM (albeit it's main feature is it's downfall - there's so much to it). Android just seems too simple. I feel like I don't have a "full" phone. But maybe because I'm so used to WM (I've been using it for 4 years).
I'm reading Android is "just as customizable as Windows Mobile". Well, I don't know what that means. That I have to flash and skin the OS? I think the main thing about the HTC Incredible that makes it attractive to me (aside from hardware) is the HTC Sense. Otherwise, Android seems, well, boring.
What can I do to customize Android? I suppose I'll check out the Android forums and see the ROMs and skins. But will it be like the iPhone - when customized and skinned, it becomes buggy and "WM" like? My bro unlocked and skinned his iPhone to have the HTC clock, and other stuff, and was complaining about it locking up and freezing. Well, that just defeats the main feature of Android - it's seamless and smooth user interface. I suppose I should keep at it. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying Android (I'm even posting this on my TP2 using Android), and I do like it, but I'm not convinced I like it more than WM.
I recommend everyone try Android on their TP2. Check out the sub-froums. There are single cab file installs that make Android porting on the TP2 so easy. Just one cab install (that's what I did). And try it out. See what you think. I hope my comment helps.