Originally Posted by MrGoodCat
well then you'd have to compare your android experience with stock winmo 6.1 or 6.5. android is just as customizable as winmo. there are many home replacements that make android a cleaner more customizable (and personal) experience. and personally i think its important to note that winmo is dying a slow painful death. there are still some amazing devs backing it up offering very nice ui's to cover up winmos ugly face, but the simple fact is is that eventually it will be old news and be barely supported by anyone other than independent devs. android has so much room to grow. and it will continue to evolve. therefore i think when looking toward the future it would be a wiser idea to give android a shot at least. but on the other hand winmo is great for some people, i just got tired of it. and for the aforementioned reasons i will be getting an incredible!
you act like windows phone 7 isn't coming out in the next couple of months..... and that winmo has been discontinued.