I just got a Verizon Imagio that I GSM unlocked and used on T-mobile and of course as usual wanted a different ROM - off to HSPL and BANG - it was bricked, I must have grabbed the wrong HSPL to unlock and now it won't do anything...never thought it would happen to me but here we go...
Question - the phone is almost new and is at least of some value to me:
I am holding out buying a new phone i.e Nexus One or a WM7 phone in the fall and would want to use this phone for a few months.
My question - has anybody ever sent their phone to HTC for reflashing of this kind an what was the cost?
What other alternatives can yo uthink of /come up with (don't be ....)
I can only use it 2G and hence it is not fully worthy of mine..
but it's value, I would say, is even used around $290, so worth getting it fixed as long as the repair won't exceed its own value, however I could just go out and buy a Nexus One now for $180 and smash this damn Imagio (more Verizon smashing than Imagio/HTC)..
What do you guys think?
My best