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Old 04-25-2010, 06:54 PM
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Re: Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Originally Posted by ashamans View Post
i just need to say thank you, i have been fighting this phone for 6 months trying to get things working. i am on my 5th tp and each one is worse than the one before. i installed this and the phone has never worked this good, i love the bare bones slimed down weight reduction sports car rom.

2 things/questions

the service indicater just dot dot dots, anyway to change/fix it so it shows how many bars of service you have?

gps, google maps dosnt have the option in the menu to use gps, so what do i need to download to enable gps(like before i had external gps in my programs group)

thank you thank you x 100
You're welcome! Im really really glad that my rom helped somebodys phone get back to what its supposed to do. That makes my decision to release my n00b attempt at a rom seriously worthwhile.

As far as your issues go:

1. The signal icon. this is a problem i know about. for some reason, NOTHING i do will fix the stock signal indicator. NOTHING! lol. the best thing i have found to do is install an aftermarket taskbar. tsowens or the gf round one are both nice, but they're colorful and dont really fit with my stealth black metal feel im trying to go for. Im just about to update the links on the front for the newest edition, and i thought i had fixed the problem there, as i found a metal taskbar skin that looks great. It replaces EVERY icon EXCEPT the signal icon... so... *censored*.

2. Im not aware of this issue, ill give it a try and see if i can mess with it. Google maps work for me just fine, expecially if i use quickgps to get the data first. the use gps is now buried inside another menu ("options i think) in the latest versions of google maps, just make sure you didnt miss it in there. Ill do some research and see what i can turn up. You also may need to go into settings and turn the locations button on, if you need instructions for that pm me and ill guide you to it.

Thanks again for your use, and i am overjoyed my rom really pleased someone
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