Originally Posted by touch-this-pro
I just followed almost all the steps of the OP on post 1 and it worked!!!
thank you
When it came to the 3rd registry value, there was no value:
in that folder, but rather in the folder [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings]
so I figure its the same thing and I left it alone without creating this key value.
Works like a charm
Same situation in my case. I just made the other edits (delete DLL, change to "Sprint", Flags) and left that alone. Works great on my Windows 7 laptop. I am running the stock Sprint 6.5 ROM.
I can also confirm that this does not interfere with the excellent CMInternetSharing app that lets the phone act as a Wi-Fi router - so nice to have tethering options! I did need to restart the computer between testing this USB tethering and switching to the WiFi tether, though.
Thanks and thanked!