Originally Posted by wmdunn
More importantly, we need to figure out why the reg edits didn't stick. When you say you waited a few minutes before restarting ... are you doing a soft reset after the edits? Here's my procedure ... do the reg edits, close the registry editor, wait at least 60 seconds, and do a soft reset.
I did exactly this:
do the reg edits
close the registry editor
wait at least 60 seconds
and do a soft reset
Still says "PAM".
BTW, I am using:
+ SPB shell
I tried to unlock my phone a few days ago.
SO as to load a difffernt ROM.
But my luck...
my daughter came running to me and pulled the usb cabel from the phone midway.
I thought i had bricked it.
I have since tried to unlock it but i always get the error saying recovery needed.