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Old 04-25-2010, 12:34 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874 Apr/19th [Build 1.8]

Originally Posted by skidogger View Post
Thanks for the help. I have cookies home tab 1.7.1 and CHTeditor 1.7.1. When the phone sleeps (or I use Menu->Lock Device), it uses the Sense lock screen. If I use the lock softkey on the bottom left, it uses the Windows Phone lockscreen. Is there s a way to change this?

For Facebook, when you say logged in, does that mean the initial tab setup...or do I need to be logged in the app or web site? I've got all three going and still "no updates and events" on the tab.
1) If no contacts are assigned to a facebook account, no events/updates will pop up, I guess you know that right? (if not, before playing with it, read the facebook tab thread at xda and use google! lol.) The facebook tab works perfect...

2) I added a button/link called "Standby" on 1.8 MyCleanImagio ... so you would be able to use the lockscreen that comes with 1.7.1 (Im not planning to update the rom with 1.7.1 unless it becomes more stable and less "heavy" but I still think it's a fantastic mod, probably the best for Sense! Runs perfect on the HD2! ... I'm happy with 1.6.1 for the Imagio)

To change the "Lock" on Sense just edit the following (Registry) then softreset:


After that, everytime you press "Lock", the phone will go to "sleep" mode... on wake-up, the sense/cookie 1.7.1 lockscreen should come up....(if you have it enabled on settings)

Please understand the sense/cookie 1.7.1 lockscreen is not "perfect" yet.... there are a few glitches...,I don't recommend you to do that, just showing you how to do it... (read the thread at XDA for more info)
[Carrier: T-Mobile] [Phone: XV6975 (HTC Imagio)] [ROM: MyCleanImagio]
[WM Build: 21874] [Radio: 2.25.00WVL]


Last edited by adortab; 04-25-2010 at 02:04 AM.
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