Originally Posted by MightyMike
Just to give you an idea
ROM Running (Without restart) since 1pm
-Google Maps
-Music Tab
-Opera Mini 5
-Palringo for the last few hours
-Internet Explorer (for about 2 hours before i got lazy and installed Mini5)
-Few phone calls
GWES @ 20MB steady.
Stop breakin mah shit! you're being a bad bad beta tester
Haha, okay so for me, it might be because I've done a lot of stuff
Same, since around 1 PM I've done
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Added 3 e-mail accounts
- 150+ texts
- A few MMS'
- Opera Mini 5
- Opera 9.(7?) as well (The default one)
- Windows Live Messenger (Though I turned it off)
- Updated weather a few times (Could weather wallpaper be an issue?)
- Zip Mobile to open up a file
- Changed tabs on home screen (removed stocks lol)
- Or maybe, could it be because I locked my device once, I always noticed that it usually takes a big chunk of memory to lock lol
That's practically all I've done, and if it matters, my phones been awake almost the entire time, god this battery life is amazing lol 4 hours of heavy usage and only 20% down!