Originally Posted by DaveTN
If you have a Sprint Airave (Femtocell) in your home - or within the range of your phone, your weather (the "my location" at least) will not update.
This is not correct. Weather has always previously updated over my Airave, and it is now once again doing so.
Of course, geolocation places me in New Jersey although I live several states and hundreds of miles away in New Hampshire, and when I'm in range of the Airave it shows My Location weather for New York (city).
Thus, weather normally updates over an Airave. It just updates for the wrong location.
Originally Posted by DaveTN
If you manually choose your city, you should be able to update and it will work but not be as accurate.
Why would weather for a manually-selected city not be as accurate? It has always looked identical as far as I can tell.
Originally Posted by DaveTN
You may also want to delete any of the unneccesary cities in your list.
As you might imagine, I have them on the list because I like to check them.
Originally Posted by DaveTN
Try this: Dial *99 and hit send. If you are connected to an airave, you'll hear a tone and a message that says you are within airave coverage. Even if you don't have one, a neighbor might.
If I have any cellular signal at my house, the Airave is working.
You can't imagine how far out in the boonies I live. If a neighbor has an Airave within range, they've illegally built a house on my property.
Originally Posted by DaveTN
Finally, go for a drive a few miles from your house and try to update your weather and see if that works. Sometimes the info from the cell towers gets messed up and you have to pull it from another tower.
As it happens, we drove over 200 miles yesterday. Weather did not update on either of our phones for that entire time.
For anyone reading this thread in the future, note this is most definitely NOT an Airave problem, as this happened when connected by WiFi or Activesync as well as while traveling through a large geographical range and connecting to what must have been dozens of different towers.