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Old 04-24-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: [CAB] Project Android Port and Startup Utility [04/23/10] 2.1 BUILDS AVAILABLE!

for those stuck in the start up loop. (its a tease when the android robot peaks at you and it just blinks out and restarts the start up animation isnt it?)

after you first boot after it makes the data.img.

reset to winmo, delete data.img once again and let it boot haret once more. this time it should get past the start up animation.

If data isnt working go to wireless / add apn user verizon or sprint for name, select as default, and for apn use

VZW Touch Pro 2 / Energy Rom / Android Flavor of the week, Sense UI build , 3g working on vzw

Its still a bit sluggish, but boy is she pretty with sense ui!
Big Red - Winblows 6.WTFCares....TP2 does Droid!!!