Re: [ROM] 04/13/10 | Fresh Rom 2.0d (Android 2.1) | Rosie LWP w/Espresso + OpenGL Fix
This rom is by far the best available, but i'm one of the few who get that darn phone call issue... even after the fix, it works for a few calls then screws up all over again.
I wonder why only some of us get this... could it be radio related?
I had thought that voicesearch may have been the reason cuz it sometimes takes a long time to launch (if at all) and afterwards the no sound in phone call issue happens. I've been having to install this fix a few times a day...
(Sigh) this is sad, cuz I left my pre for the hero and this ROM, assuming i wouldn't be one of the selected few with this issue...
I'm gunna look into radios...
anybody having the same issue and different suggestions?
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