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Old 04-24-2010, 02:46 PM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by gogent View Post
I must be blind but how do you show program. the only way i can get to it is to add a quick link on my home screen. also i like juicy's start menu better. is it easy to change the start menu?
that program picker is part of da cookie. as 4 changing start menu, i believe darren mentioned that a page or so back...but personally i use CSMI (change start menu icon) 2 change around order n what apps go in what folder i use resco or you can use the total commander. search xda 4 all different icons..the hd2 leo section of apps themes has a stickie
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