Originally Posted by mwalt2
People need to stop thinking fastcharge changes the rate that the battery charges at. It does not. All it does it cause the battery to be charged from a usb port at the EXACT SAME RATE it is charged from the wall socket using the adapter supplied by HTC. You can observe this for yourself with a battery meter and enabling/disabling fastcharge. If you install fastcharge driver, and never charge via usb, it will do nothing to your phone. All no2chem did was remove the limit of 500ma of the usb charging built into the driver. Any effect 'observed' is placebo or due to another factor than the fastcharge via usb. [/rant off]
Originally Posted by amikam
i completely understand what u r saying, but personally... i find the wall charger to be much faster than the usb, with or without fastcharge.
now... i have to believe that u know more than me on the issue since i never actually read up about it.
its just that i always thought that it was supposed to charge the phone faster whether its usb charger or wall charger shouldn't matter to the bottom line which is plain faster.
i guess i was wrong thinking its faster... but the first time i ever noticed something like this to actually work was about two years ago when i had my htctouch for about a month or two... i actually put on the driver and it charged faster on a wall charger... i dont think i was imagining it then, but also to be honest on the diamond i dont think i kept the stock rom more than a day... so i always used the driver... so i can't really compare differences between charging speeds.
Good piece of information! personally, I don't cook, I just flash! umm..that did not sound right..heh.. anyway,meaning I am not really tech or programmer but just get around a bit. but just to make things little more clear, I never timed the charging time between toggle on and off, but imho, it just FEEL that it charges faster and drains faster when toggle is on. So, I have to say in my personal preference, I prefer it to be off.
Originally Posted by Sabroso
If you don't mind can I ask you some questions:
1) Do you use "Evdo" (Hybrid) conection or "1x" force conection???
2) Do you have all the day the "white two Arrows" ON (in the Taskbar)?? that denote you have a conection ON, isn't??
3) Do you Sync only Emails or also calendar and Contact with MS ActiveSync and Google server??
4) Which Locker (enable) do you use??? with what timeout??
5) If you know how to enter to regedit, can you tell me what registers KEYs do you have in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETCompact Framework"?? for example "3.5.9198.00" value: "1"????
6) This are the "application or process" that are runnig after I bootup my device ( gwes, cprog, device, filesys, service, Shell32, Manila (Start), repllog (ActiveSync), Task Manager (from where I'm reading this info), tmail (outlook), connmgr, ManilaLock, phcanvga , NK) are this list equal to you or do I have more apps than you or you have another than me???? (it don't count if you manually open anyother program) (you can see the list in task manager in the folder "Utilities").
Thanks in advance. Sorry If I took from you so much time with my request.
I don't mind at all... but for some questions, I will answer them later.
1) I always use EVDO hybrid unless my signal gets weak, then I change to roaming only, but it rarely happens, and if I change it to roaming, the battery drains little (maybe a lot) faster.
2) I always have two arrows on, but personally I don't think that indicates it is always using data...I always check my data usage on the bill and if it is always on, my data usage should be way over than what I get.
3) I sync everything with google; contacts, calendar, and gmail
4) I am using 'MINI HD' right now, and I am not sure about time out... if you are asking about back light setting, 1 min to dim and 2 min to off.
ok.. 5 and 6, I have to answer that later, my phone is in the bedroom, charging, and I do not want to wake up my wife.