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Old 04-23-2010, 08:26 PM
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Re: Splash screen cached?

Originally Posted by krushr View Post
I have created a new splash screen for my phone, uploaded it into the windows directory, and used the advanced config setup to choose it. When I power the phone up, the old splash shows for a few seconds, then my new splash screen.

Is this cached somewhere? I've done a few soft resets.

phone: Omnia running CF03 base with Yardie's 23559 modified ROM

ideas? thoughts? I see where other people have changed it, and tried that, but that cached splash is still there, unless the Advanced Config just isn't making it stick. I did double-check, and both the carrier splash and windows splash are listed as that file.
I've had a splash screen 'stick' with one ROM flash to another different ROM flash with a different splash.

solution for me is next time i flash it over writes those sectors for sure. In effect taking 2 flashes but all my flashes are "tests" so it's okay, as i get to test different program combination etc.

there is an RUU that will just flash a splash img on your phone without a hard reset, but a search would be required, good luck!
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