Originally Posted by fatmac1982
Elshaddai, I use GROUP MMS/SMS cab which works wonders. You can send to as many contacts as you want!!!! and heres the cab file as well!!! But I still am looking for a cab file that makes it as easy to send group EMAILs as well!!!!
Thanks Fatmac... I like that program, I also found that you can edit the registry by doing the following.
1. Go to: Hklm/software/arcsoft/arcsoftmmsUA/Config/UI
2. Change MaxRecipients from 10 to 1000
3. Soft Reset
You should be all set, unless you have more than 1000 friends
, I also found this in one of the forums. Let me know if it works for emails as well. GOD Bless!!!
- Change MMS Limits -
1. Go to: Hklm/software/arcsoft/arcsoftmmsUA/Config/mm1/mmscsetting/samplmmsc
2. Change "wap 1 send" to 99999993. Change "wap 2 send" to 9999999
4. Change "wap 1 recieve" to 9999999
5. Change "wap 2 recieve" to 9999999
6. Go to: Hklm/software/arcsoft/arcsoftmmsUA/Config/mm1/mmscsetting/samplmmsc2
7. Change "wap 1 send" to 9999999
8. Change "wap 2 send" to 9999999
9. Change "wap 1 recieve" to 9999999
10. Change "wap 2 recieve" to 9999999
11. Softreset
If there is another folder where u found those 2, then change the same thing there.
this will give u 9.5MB send recieve limits.