Originally Posted by syrguy1969
What is the 'alternate upgrade' and how does that work for the new every 2 pricing? I have no problems going to a Best Buy to upgrade when it comes out.
well i am on a family plan with multiple lines. i wasted my upgraded last spetember when i got my tp2. so i am able to use another lines upgrade to get the incredible at the 2 year price (alternate upgrade). however i do not get the ne2 discount as that is only for the main line, which went toward the tp2. also i believe best buy can not honor the ne2 discount. someone mentioned that in one of these threads.
if you are on a family plan as well, i think if you don't use the ne2 discount another line can. pretty sure about, so that is always an option if you don't want to wait and don't want to waste your ne2