Originally Posted by dak408
I am with USCC and my data works fine until I get into a roaming area, as I did yesterday. It worked fine until I had to soft reset then the data would not reconnect until I was back in USCC home area. Which was 5 hours later! Anyone else have problems with this???
I'm with uscc and roam about 6 hours a day. I am on the latest 23xxx gtx rom and in general have had not problems, but.... over the years I have learned that when I cross into different cell areas my data will quit and to get it back I have to throw my phone into flight mode and then take it back out and all is fine. I have had this problem with all the custom roms I have run on all my phones, some are just better or worse than others. Energy is one of the best, but still on this new build I find I have to do this once of twice a day.
Anyway give the flight mode fix a try and see if it works.
(for those who follow this issue I do have my password set in the #777 connections settings)