Originally Posted by info[]box1
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
This VOTING POLL is going to get very interesting before its all said and done...!!
I dont know who Im voting for yet...
You better know....lol
Originally Posted by rileyd5
So our network has been down at work today and I'm the only one with a ppc in the office filled with blackberries. Want to guess who was connected all day? lol. this puppy tethered for hours with no issues whatsoever. Juggs you saved my day and in the process hopefully made me so cash!!!!
Awsome Riley...show them crackberries whats up!!
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
maybe he ment v1 r3?
I did....thx
Originally Posted by info[]box1
thats what i thought, just doing a check and balance...
sorry bro...
Originally Posted by info[]box1
Has anyone experience the Swype keyboard being a ROM breaker.? Is there a Fixed version of a Swype .cab..?
2.0 always worked for me.... some say it breaks stuff but I never had an issue...
BTW all....I am updating the Arc cab I had before....need to combine a few things, so that it has working gif support...the other one did for some (Darren) but not me or Fish....wacky I know....I have tested it minimal and gave it to Fish and Darren also to test specifically with this rom...if all is well I will post it up tomorrow in this thread...we will trade a few back and forth just for good measure....