Originally Posted by gTen
Cause people are easily blinded by the rage of how sprint is now asking for more money and ripping them off that they would switch carriers even if its more expensive just to prove a point?
I'll start this one off by pointing out that I get paid more for a new activation on ATT or Tmobile than I do upgrading a phone for Sprint
In 4 years of working for RadioShack I've never met someone that's willing to pay more just to hold a grudge, just a couple of weeks ago I had a couple come in and their contract with Sprint was up and they wanted new phones "on any network but Sprint" but after talking to them and finding out they wanted out of their new phones we found out that VZW wanted 180, ATT 170, Tmobile 160, and Sprint 130 and they wanted to switch because they weren't impressed with Sprint's customer service even though they haven't called in years so I told them service has improved (it has I don't care what anyone says) and we'll save them $720 - $1200 over the course of their new contract, and that was before we added their employee discount
So I doubt most people will switch and pay more just to make a point
Originally Posted by sebo
and as gTen pointed out above, Boost (SPRINT's NETWORK) prepaid customers get UNLIMITED everything for $50. guess they're losing money from them too, huh?
Problem is that's all it is, Sprint's Network, if you look at the maps Boost doesn't have nearly as much coverage as Sprint's contract phones do because Sprint won't (and is right to) not pay roaming for Boost phones
Also (without begging customer service to add another cdma phone) Boost only has 2 phones that are 3G so what's the point in having unlimited web?
so no Sprint is losing money on Boost but its also costing them less to run them