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Old 04-23-2010, 01:24 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

I know this quotes are old, I just didn't see anyone address them, also I don't know how to easily multi quote over several pages

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post

It sucks that Sprint did this to us (I used to have a Sero plan but had to let it go to the everything plan) but at the same time, the plans are still cheaper than any other major carrier when you compare features.
yes they did but they did it for a reason but i'll address that in a few posts because someone else already touched on it

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
The main thing is that the FCC needs to start regulating the industry because it seems to me that prices will continue to rise unless the companies face some form of public or FCC pressure.
No they don't. The FCC needs to mind their own business, just like most government entities. Thing is you're complaining about rate plans and needing regulation but thanks to the wonders of the free market, rate plans have never been as valuable as they have been before, especially from Sprint. That's actually something I tell a lot of my customers when comparing Tmobile, ATT, and Sprint, is yeah the basic package from Sprint is a little more than it is with Tmobile, but you're getting a lot more in return.
Why bring in the government and screw everything up, just like they always do

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post

If you think about it, that is what put Sprint in the hole. All these discounts. The only discount Sprint gives now is a $20 off everything plan, and that makes my plan close to what I paid to begin with.
Yes discounts hurt them a lot which is why they've tightened up but there's still several discounts available (obviously not stacked but) such as employer discounts which can be pretty nice or at the very least the credit union discount which is good for 10% and waived activation fees

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
your insane. And all those legacy customers will probably double their monthly bills. Is supply and demand. The customers sprint will lose from forcing to sero they should be able to gain back from new customers who are smart enough to realize sprint plans are by far better. Most legacy customers will not leave to double their bill and sprint knows that and the customer should as well, youre acting like you want to double your montly bill.
I know what you said and what I'm going to say are very situational because of different things on the plan but
I doubt most legacy customers will be "doubling" their bill to switch to a new everything plan, depending on the situation, for example my family was on an old Free and Clear America plan then last October we switched to Everything Data Share 1500, we added messaging to 3 phones, data to 3 phones, and insurance to another one (for 3 total), picked up an extra 800 anytime minutes and AnyMobile Anytime and it only costs an extra $10/month
So say what you want about Sprint moving people into Everything Data Plans but they are a great value, even from a Sero plan it will cost Sprint more to service the new devices because another post that i'll comment on points out the extra data demands of the new devices, while the true cost of said extra data bandwidth is disputable, the cost will go up

Last edited by jbearamus; 04-24-2010 at 04:08 AM.
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