Re: <> 4-18-2010 <}{> Medium Hill ROM's <}{> Sense 2.5 <>
On another note, I have been experiencing a issue with receiving calls. It has randomly occured on your last few roms, and I just installed your latest Verizon rom and it occurred on the first phone call I received. BTW, I did task29 my phone before installing your latest rom today.
I receive a phone call, I slide to answer and it gets stuck on slide to answer screen. The slider slides all the way to left side of the screen, but it seems to then freeze. I try to press the hard answer key, but that is unresponsive. It usually stays like that for 15-20 seconds, and then the slide to answer screen disappears and I get a missed call notification.
This happens randomly. I didn't have this issue on other roms that I tested out this last week.... Any ideas?
Rhodium OC to 787 w/ Start Menu disabled.