Originally Posted by amw1972
I can supply some of the sound files mentioned...
@Santod, I'm new to skinning...and building themes...so I'm not sure how much I can contribute. I'll post the sound files later this evening...and I'll round up some icons (for the slider)
I have the CFC Gui like you suggested...so I'll try and put those into manila files...
I'd like to contribute, but it'll be limited to my knowledge on how at this point.
Finding good icons is the hardest part of making a slider. If you find some good icons I'll make a slider, or help you if you want to learn to make it. It's really not that hard with cfcgui. Just scale images correctly and click "replace with" 68 or so times. If you want to make it yourself, you just need cfcgui and a good editor (I use GIMP 2).