Re: (*)|WWE|BharS|23563|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5.2012.14|GENER IC| BLK & GTX|XDA_UC|20APR|V8.
Im doing a hard-reset now. and this time im not gonna try to install any Sense 2.5 msging cabs. the only reason i used the Sense 2.5 msging is just so i could send texts from the HTC contacts and the HTC contact tab on the slider,favorite contacts,without the screen going black.I tried to send an initial msg from WM msging and then i recieved a text from a contact but there is still no way for me to send a msg directly from the Contacts or Contacts tab. Or is it even possible to send a msg from Contacts or the Contacts Tab? Or will i always have to go to the WM Msging to send an SMS? Id like to just be able to send a text right from the Contact Card if possible. Thanks
I alway used the %1 battery driver tweak and it always worked fine for me. Now im using another %1 battery driver cab. Id like to just use the one in tweaks as usual but if its causing any problems try another %1 battery driver. Its a nice feature to have in tweaks i think.
Another excellent rom, thanks alot again.