Originally Posted by Wildman
I know you like clean Titanium themes, have you tried Neo on your device yet... Here is what I decided to put together using your build...
Originally Posted by yatman60
I think it's awesome that someone did this. The problems I see with the other ROMs is basically this:
Pre-installed apps that are constantly being updated by the vendor (like google maps, Bing, Opera, etc.). If you try to install the latest version of said application, I find that you end up with 2 icons for the same app.
I would like to see the barebones ROM with the latest version of Sense installed though and just the essential Verizon requirements to get it up and running so that I can install and uninstall whatever I want as they get released by the developers.
Wildman -never heard of "Neo". What the heck is it. And in fact -no offense- but I do not like Titanium. I use a UI (and you will probably hate this) called "iPhoneToday" ("boo boo" "If you like the iPhone so much just buy an iPhone")
I said it so no one else would have to. I do not like the iPhone. I like the fact that the UI uses very little resources.
Yatman - I am no chef. Barely was able to get this going. I don't know why someone wouldn't do this for you. I will see what I can come up with. Probably not much though. Busy right now with other stuff.