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Old 04-22-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
I just fail to see how this is Google's fault. Sure, they have a moral responsibility to ensure that potential new customers are aware of the issue prior to purchasing the phone, that I agree with.

But why should Google have to pay for a network problem (not their network) or a manufacturer problem (not their company)? It is outside of their control, period.
Isn't this the price you pay for control? Google wanted to sell the phone exclusively, they are still selling the phone with the option of having T-Mobile as the carrier even though they just said that they don't want to support it. It's Google branded, Google tested, Google updated and if they're selling it personally--Google approved. Google is charging you $150 as well as T-Mobile's $200 per line for early termination fees. All for a product that doesn't work properly, how is that NOT Google's fault. I think this would be different if the phone was something that you can just buy through T-Mobile but its not all links point to Google. Doesn't this fall under a manufacture warranty repair? If I bought a wi-fi card for my laptop and the label on it says Linksys by Cisco, wouldn't Cisco be obligated to repair/replace it if it was still under warranty? If the phone was shipped DOA, Google would swap it out with a replacement phone, I see no difference here.

I guess I'm missing something, all sarcasm aside, if not Google, who is to blame here? If someone has a phone that isn't working properly that's less then 6 months, how do they get this resolved then, it shouldn't cost the end users any money at all if it left the factory already defective?

Since I do not have the phone I don't know what the warranty says or how to get the phone fixed, but if I didn't abuse the phone and it's not working why are the end users biting the cost here?

I'd really like to know what the other carriers would do in this situation?

What I don't like is that Google is just waiving their arms in the air and yelling--not me!

That's pretty ****y for the new kid on the block...

Shenanigans I say!!

Last edited by testacon; 04-22-2010 at 04:06 PM.
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