Re: Windows Phone 7 Not Having Removable Memory Card
Not me...
I have decided to try it out right away. I've heard the card can be removed... You will loose all your data but then you will re synch with the cloud. So Not really locked in I guess.
Either way. I have a 16 gb card in my TP2 right now and half of it is used up by Pictures and videos (if synched to the cloud this memory will also free up), music I rarely listen too since Slacker radio/wunder radio/pandora...
And by cabs that are already installed (just like to have them handy). So it really shouldn't be too bad as long as there's direct and live access to the cloud... You shouldn't need much storage space on your phone.
We'll see.
Last edited by AZTECHKA; 04-22-2010 at 02:52 PM.