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Old 04-22-2010, 11:46 AM
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Re: Anyone have an idea on the price for the Evo 4G?

Originally Posted by losplatanos View Post
eventhough tmobile and verizon have almost the same phone for $199, hd2 and incredible.....for some reason sprint phones always cost more so most likely after all rebates would be $299.................look how verizon drop the tp2 for as litle as $80 sprint website its still $299....................its not going to be cheap..........because it has a couple of things the other dont' HDMI, dual Camera and 8 megepixel, and 4G.................i wish it would have been as afordable as the HD2 but it will cost much more
Possibly because Sprint isn't subsidizing as much of the phones cost through a higher monthly fee?

$299 phone + $70/month data plan for 24 months: $1979

$80 phone + $100/month data plan for 24 months: $2480

I mean, common sense has little factor in this no? You're going to make up the price of that phone in a little over 7 months, for the following 17 months you're technically saving money.
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