Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2 (Sprint): Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/16643; U; en))
Originally Posted by Hypnotic2010
Here is a couple options for you.
1-If you would like to completely disable ALL gsensor functionality you can navigate to HKLM/DRIVERS/BUILT IN/GSENSOR/AND delete gsensor.dll.,
I would suggest to take the following approach:
This method will allow you to switch the screen orientation by holding send button:
1) Change your registry to enable screen rotation:
HKLM - System - GDI - Rotation - HideOrientationUI (Change from 1 to 0)
2) Then, simply map your phone button long press to the rotation tweak:
Settings -> Buttons -> Map with <Rotate Screen>
3) When you would like to rotate your screen, just hold your Phone button.
question . . . by doing this will eliminate the annoying auto rotating feature & have ALL screens only rotate with a manual input ?