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Old 04-22-2010, 01:59 AM
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Re: HTC HD2 music apps?

Originally Posted by JQuill View Post
I've found that the HTC music player (green music tab) is the best and here are some tips for making it work well....

*Only use MP3's

*Do not ever use double twist to sync...simply make a "Music" folder on your storage card and drag and drop the media files into the foler...HTC music player will autmatically pick up the songs and populate them into the player

*When you first boot your device (unfortunetally you probably should do this every single time you turn on your device)....simply scroll over to the music tab and let it load a song. I have about 1500 songs on my SD card, and I've noticed that it doesn't load the music into HTC music player upon boot up, you have to scroll over to the tab and let it load an album cover, THEN it populates the songs into the player. For my 1500 songs this takes about 4 minutes on my HD2...otherwise I can only view my music in the "every song" option and I cannot browse by artist or album title. I've found that simply scrolling over to the tab once and letting it load will start the music loading process and the player will be much smoother when you start using it.

*After doing all these steps the ONLY lag I notice is going back from landscape to portrait takes about 5 seconds sometimes. I have album art for every single song (again about 1500) so I expect some lag, but as long as you follow these tips you should have a good experience with HTC music player.

note: I'm using energys 6.5.5 rom.
I agree, I have learned more about the HTC Music player. It is incredibly easy to make playlists on the device in the HTC MP. I am also using AAC+ music files. The issues I was having with music files happens to be related to folders. I normally put all genre specific music files in a main folder without sublevel folders (artist, album). This was causing the issue with the HTC Music player....for whatever reason, I have no clue. But I decided to put my music files in artist and album folders and HTC Music player works splendidly now.

I even believe I can use ALAC on the HD2...using the folder arrangement above.

As far as Kinoma Player, I have tried to get forum support regarding questions I have about it's functionality but have been completely ignored. I registered at the forum site and attempted to submit a post, but it has been blocked from showing up. I contacted Admin there and they have ignored me to date.
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