Originally Posted by mallard729
I need to update my build-prop which lives inside the data.img file that resides on your sd card,
i'm trying to download verizon nfl mobile from the marketplace but i can't because the line in the build-prop
i think if i can get that file updated to read
I should be able to dl the app from the marketplace. right now i don't see it, i can dl other apps just fine
I was able to get a copy of the app, but the videos neverwork, wonder if that is related to the
tried using winimage to edit the img file but no dice
There is a great article on Xda somewhere on how to unsquash the system.sqsh. Dont bother making changes on the data.img. Its just not the right approach. You can also see if you can make the changes on the rootfs.img. There is a directory in there init.etc that has a file called default.prop. You can try making your changes there. Hope that helps.