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Old 04-21-2010, 05:34 PM
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steve austin
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Exclamation SMS, MMS Quirks and Problems - Tmous

I am really trying to enjoy this phone. I see so many people happy and complaint free, but I seem to be one of the many odd men out. If anyone knows how to correct these issues or where the tweak is I would be very appreciative.

1. SMS, MMS don't get sent:

This is the first phone that I have had that if you loose a signal the message will stay in the phone. It does not automatically get sent once a signal is found. How do I get it to try and resend on its own?

2. All MMS messages have to be viewed in landscape:

It does not matter if a picture is attached or not the phone ALWAYS downloads a message. Even if the message just has links to articles someone sends me I have to wait 10-15 seconds to view it. It comes as an attachment. How do i stop this from happening?

3. CC: & BCC: Fields Gone:

What the heck happened to these recipient fields?!?!? Most of my time is spent on this phone sending messages. Especially for work. Is there a setting that I am missing to these fields are active. This would be a major setback to me if not.

4. MMS Picture size problem:

I have searched and i can't tell if T-mo hd2's are experiencing the same problem as the European counterparts are with regards to pictures. I know some of the ones I receive are small, but I am not sure if that is because my screen is so big. If it is a problem that both phones share will the mms fix that is floating around fix ours too?

Thank you to anyone who can shed light on these things.
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