Originally Posted by Mias_Daddy
I just upgraded to the 6.5 yesterday, came home and downloaded the task bar I had previously along with a few others and my phone acted all retarded. First off, it wouldn't let me reply to texts, then my contacts all disappeared, then the numbers on the keyboard wouldn't work when on sites that you use them on (Facebook, pressing "0" to refresh.) I brought it back this morning and they couldn't figure it out either. Whenever I would put ANY memory card in, it would do this. I am hoping that the new one delivered tomorrow will be better. I would like to use custom taskbar and download cabs so I am not stuck with this ugly stock stuff...YUK!!!
Being that I am somewhat a newbie and all, am I not supposed to use the same taskbars and other downloads that I once used with 6.1? I know there are different ROOMS, so I didn't use the same one as I did with the 6.1, but wasn't sure about the others.
IU am with most folks on here as I will be switching to Android come summer. Not sure if I will wait for the keyboard or not though. Sure makes life easier with it, right?!?
Thanks in Advance
Taskbars are 6.1/6.5 specific...there is a specific thread for each. and also make sure you install a cdma taskbar...some cabs dont work, but that depends on what manila version you have. as for apps, most will work with 6.5..but that depends on your resolution.
to sum it up:
1. dont use 6.1 taskbar with 6.5
2. You might have had a bad flash, hard reset and reflash.
3. Its ROM..
4. For any manila tweaks, make sure you know what version of manila you are using and that the tweak is compatible with it