well, right now, i've been playing with 6.5 for the stripped titanium ROM. I'm trying to see how far I can go with it without losing usability. I do prefer the 6.5.x, just thought I would do something different though.
jas0nmack and I have PM'ed back and forth a little bit on this last release, and he had an issue similar involving yahoo and exchange. What all have you installed CAB wise? I have looked into it some, but got sidetracked with work yesterday and didn't get a chance to really dive into it. I may have some time later tonight, but if not, I got a clean slate for tomorrow.
Picture below is of the stripped titanium test with the gchris titanium mod i've screwed around with, but it's been running for 3 days, and still registers 100% battery life, blows my mind!! And yes, that's unicorns LOL, i was gonna not say anything and let it be a joke when one of ya'll flashed it and was like wtf? LOL......