Originally Posted by hthomas
Thanks. TMartin your help has been invaluable to me and all of us I'm sure. I dont know if all you gurus understand your impact around here. You guys help, noobs and all. Unlike some threads. Thank you all.
Can you confrim 230xx is COM3.3
Do you know of a simple way to explain what COM means and why that is important?
I hated to see the old thread go. I've been hanging onto the idea of a new kitchen from Caulklin. WE need a guide to getting our kitchen updated. What works and what doesnt. I cant even find a sprint dump anymore.
I think 230xx was just the start of com3. The early builds had the start menu up top like com2. I think anything after 23017 had the start menu on the bottom.
The only way I could explain the different branches is some are built by different departments & companies. They use branches to implement different things ie some for stability, some for trying new things, etc.