Screenshots / Advertising
OK, this is going to sound random. I usually come here for the TP2 forum, but I'm working on a marketing plan for school for the Pre. I have to make a couple ads and was wondering if there was a good place to get some screenshots.
Suggestions also welcome, i haven't used a Pre, so I'm really just making educated guesses.
My current ideas are going to follow a "Prefix" model
For example, several large print ads, each with "Preempt" or "Prepare" or "Present" at the bottom and showcasing how the Pre will help one advance in a business setting.
(My other idea is a Star Wars theme: iPhone floating by a la star destroyer, Leia saying "you're our only hope" into a Pre, Steve Jobs as the emporer. I don't think I'll have the time for the video editing though :P )