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Old 04-20-2010, 08:41 PM
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Re: [3.23.10] Sprint Lover's ROM 2.5 | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Speed

Originally Posted by jbonilla View Post
Chris, first of all, great ROM. Thanks for making the ROM and all the help you've been giving everyone on here. I'm not a fan of the HTC Notification Manager and disabled it by doing a registry edit (HKLM\Services\NotificationManager\Flags = 4). It worked as expected (tapping an icon would pop up the default windows bubble) except for when I tap on the volume icon. When I tap on volume, it pops up a window that says "HTC Volume Control - Do your voulme settings" (the typo is what the phone shows). On other roms that I've done this on, the HTC volume control screen appears when I tap on the volume icon. Do you have any idea why this might be happening? If it's just a result of disabling the HTC Notification Manager, I'll have to decide between going back to the previous rom without that cooked in and live with the 10% battery life indicator. Is it for sure a necessity that the HTC Notification Manager has to be included to allow the 1% battery driver to work? I tried the XpressDusk-Sense 2.5 ROM before yours and it has a 1% battery driver and doesn't use the HTC Notification Manager. It does have a custom taskbar though so I don't know if that makes a difference. Maybe I'll try to flash your previous ROM and find out what 1% battery driver is being used on that ROM and see if it works? Thanks for any help you can provide!
If you want the classic windows mobile volume try deleting the HTCVolume folder in the registry then softreset... I tried this when I was on the stock 6.5 rom, not sure how good works on the sprint lovers rom
╚ If I was helpful, hit me some Thanks ^_^ ╝
╚ Sprint Lover's Rom banners Here!!
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