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Old 04-20-2010, 07:38 PM
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Re: [3.23.10] Sprint Lover's ROM 2.5 | Official 21889 6.5 | Organization | Speed

Chris, first of all, great ROM. Thanks for making the ROM and all the help you've been giving everyone on here. I'm not a fan of the HTC Notification Manager and disabled it by doing a registry edit (HKLM\Services\NotificationManager\Flags = 4). It worked as expected (tapping an icon would pop up the default windows bubble) except for when I tap on the volume icon. When I tap on volume, it pops up a window that says "HTC Volume Control - Do your voulme settings" (the typo is what the phone shows). On other roms that I've done this on, the HTC volume control screen appears when I tap on the volume icon. Do you have any idea why this might be happening? If it's just a result of disabling the HTC Notification Manager, I'll have to decide between going back to the previous rom without that cooked in and live with the 10% battery life indicator. Is it for sure a necessity that the HTC Notification Manager has to be included to allow the 1% battery driver to work? I tried the XpressDusk-Sense 2.5 ROM before yours and it has a 1% battery driver and doesn't use the HTC Notification Manager. It does have a custom taskbar though so I don't know if that makes a difference. Maybe I'll try to flash your previous ROM and find out what 1% battery driver is being used on that ROM and see if it works? Thanks for any help you can provide!
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